LlamaRisk Services Proposal April 2025-2026



LlamaRisk seeks to continue its partnership with Curve with an annual engagement spanning April 2025-2026. Our proposed scope emphasizes extensive collaboration with Swiss Stake and attention on supporting asset issuers and Curve protocol integrations. Our comprehensive suite of risk and growth services include:

  • Advanced simulation tooling development and quantitative analysis applied to protocol optimization and support for third party integrators,
  • Qualitative risk evaluation, including asset risk assessment especially for PegKeeper and crvUSD mint markets expansion,
  • Risk Portal dashboards and risk monitoring to build confidence and understanding about protocol operations,
  • Legal and operational management for grants Curve DAO receives from third party protocols and for developing integration solutions for regulated RWA assets.

These services have a B2B focus on integrations which LlamaRisk is uniquely capable of handling, especially given our long term alignment and knowledge about Curve and our established relationships with key organizations Swiss Stake, Convex, StakeDAO, and Yearn.

Our proposed maximum budget is $725k for the year, which allows us to dedicate a full time team of top tier qualitative and quantitative risk analysts to support Curve. We request a one year linear vest of 2M CRV from the Curve Community Fund to ensure adequate funding for the year (noting that $725k is the maximum allowable expenditure and that any remaining CRV would be returned or rolled over into a subsequent budget by year’s end). The vest recipient will be the LlamaRisk treasury multisig. We will provide quarterly progress reports to the DAO on our work and spending.

Section 1: 2024 Retrospective

The role LlamaRisk plays in Curve is constantly evolving as new products are launched and mature and as our own team expands with experts in a variety of fields relevant to our work. The breadth of our services to Curve has grown significantly over this past year, especially considering our humble beginnings in 2021 as a grass-roots movement within the Curve community. We have fostered our reputation for objective judgment, collaborative spirit, and diligent analysis, applying our recommendations strategically for the benefit of the DAO.

We now carry these qualities with us as we offer an expanded suite of risk services. This past year has been the most exciting yet as we have onboarded talented individuals and fostered skill sets that put us on par with the biggest names in DeFi risk services - and our dedication to Curve remains as strong as it has ever been.

You can read about our work over the past year in the reply to this post (forum character limits prevent inclusion here).

Section 2: 2025 Services Outline

Our three focuses for Curve in 2025 envelop the most comprehensive service offering of any risk provider in our industry:

  1. Quantitative Services
  2. Qualitative Risk Evaluation
  3. Growth Initiatives

The proposed service offering places a particular emphasis on deep collaboration with Swiss Stake. We will play an active role in protocol optimization, serving third-party protocol teams integrating with Curve, and creating revenue streams for the DAO. Our B2B focus will allow Swiss Stake to devote itself to its role as the core developer of Curve’s tech stack while LlamaRisk places emphasis on serving protocol teams building on Curve.

We have made tangible contributions to Curve from a growth perspective as evidenced by our vault strategy management and grants activities. Going forward we will continue a vision that combines risk management with growth initiatives. We have directly earned revenue to the DAO through our pursuit of grants on behalf of Curve, and we have been effective in our role thanks to the extensive professional network and reputation we have built over several years.

We are confident in our ability to deliver on the scope described below and to meaningfully contribute to Curve’s dominance across major DeFi verticals thanks to the faith Curve has placed in our team for several years now. Thanks to your support we now have the specialists, the tools, and the network to make 2025 the brightest year in Curve’s history.

2.1 Quantitative Research and Development

LlamaRisk is placing emphasis on development of methodologies implemented by our simulations tooling as a foundation for our role in risk monitoring and protocol optimization, ultimately informing our recommendations through governance participation. Specific deliverables include:

2.1.1 Caffeine Simulations Framework

Caffeine is our own simulation framework that is highly adaptable, designed for rapid experimentation and operational performance. It simulates 100’s of instances of the Ethereum blockchain efficiently and concurrently and can simulate any EVM smart contract with any sort of agent. This can be used to precisely optimize crvUSD, LlamaLend, Curve AMM, and any future Curve product or implementation upgrade. Caffeine addresses limitations of existing sim tools have been developed for single purposes and lack modularity in their design.

We have already developed the agents and application requirements for LlamaLend markets, allowing us to stress test these markets with historical or synthetic adverse market scenarios. This application may be particularly useful for integrating protocols like Resupply to validate how robust a particular market is before approving its onboarding.

As an example of simulation results analysis, we can visualize relevant metrics such as debt liquidated, bad debt, and borrower losses across multiple dimensions of parameter sets to identify optimal parameterization.

Swiss Stake developers have indicated an interest in using Caffeine for research purposes, including to test hypothetical market configurations and upcoming implementations. We will grant Swiss Stake a license to access and use the Caffeine codebase, have access to all code upgrades, and LlamaRisk will offer technical support and collaborate on experiments. This license will be free to Swiss Stake, pending our active engagement with Curve DAO.

2.1.2 Protocol Optimization R&D

Given below are topics of interest and our plans for continued R&D:

LlamaLend Monetary Policy Optimization

We have developed a methodology for optimizing the Monetary Policy employed by LlamaLend markets. There are deficiencies inherent to the Semilog model, namely that its simplicity makes it less adaptable for optimal performance. Especially since we aim to actively manage market parameters for performance optimization and supplier protection, we will continue R&D efforts to introduce superior models.

Our methodology for optimizing Semilog is adaptable to experimenting on hypothetical IRMs. In fact, our publicized research includes a comparative performance of a hypothetical linear piecewise model commonly used in DeFi lending products. We aim to continue this research with the goal of implementing a superior model that will provide better liquidity assurances and better equilibriate the needs of both borrowers and lenders.

See metrics of IRM performance in our simulations for the current Semilog vs. a hypothetical Linear Piecewise model:

Debt Ceiling Methodology

We have developed a methodology to determine suitable debt ceilings for crvUSD markets, given the global liquidity depth of the collateral, the borrower behaviors, the leverage across major DeFi platforms, and accounting for the liquidation mitigation properties of the LLAMMA mechanism. This offers insight into how much growth potential a given collateral can support and if exposures have reached unsafe levels. See below the scale against liquidator profits, which expresses a multiplier on the debt ceiling against simulated liquidator profits (the ideal debt ceiling is at max liquidator profit, and the highest safe level is just before profits turn negative).

Additional research can be done on the limits of LLAMMA’s protective capability, as this involves arbitrage actions that are inherently probabilistic and introduce uncertainty for users. Empirical observation of arbitrage efficiency for specific collateral types under various scenarios can help us to more accurately model liquidator profits and to more directly communicate LLAMMA’s protective capability to users.

2.1.3 Risk Portal Development

Our vision for the Curve Risk Portal is two fold:

  1. A resource for ourselves, Curve developers, and third party asset issuers to optimize markets and assess areas to improve the protocol.
  2. A resource for end users and integrating protocols to have insights about the health of Curve markets.

This will be a continually expanding product that shares insights about many aspects of Curve AMM, LlamaLend, and crvUSD mint markets.

We have already developed a methodology for identifying crvUSD markets health, which includes both the dynamics of the market and its underlying collateral. Market Health Scores is valuable for Curve to build confidence in its markets, for users to understand the risks involved with markets, and for integrating protocols to assess the suitability for onboarding a market.

As we take a leadership role in Curve AMM optimizations, we have publicized historical CurveSim simulation results on the Risk Portal. We will use this work to improve proactive optimization of Curve pools for the benefit of asset issuers and for our own consultation to Curve DAO. An upgrade to this section will involve a methodology for assigning optimizations to a market and monitoring for changes in optimization recommendations.

The Curve Risk Portal is custom tailored to Curve’s needs, and therefore we will prioritize and add features as they are requested by Curve developers and ecosystem partners. Our goal is to improve transparency standards around risk management so governance decisions can be referenced from public resources rather than from within a black box with minimal oversight or peer review.

2.2 Risk and Growth Consultancy

Effective consultancy with our mutual service providers, DAO organizations, and the Curve community are paramount to our role as risk providers to Curve. Our recommendations and process for enacting them have a direct impact on how successfully Curve competes in the market and mitigates potential risks.

2.2.1 Swiss Stake Collaboration

Close collaboration with Swiss Stake is central to our 2025 service offering. We propose that LlamaRisk maintain a focus on supporting protocols in need of integration support, optimization, and risk management of their AMM pools and LlamaLend markets. This will allow Swiss Stake to focus on technology development while LlamaRisk’s focus will be on serving the needs of third party developer teams building on Curve.

We have already established organizational practices with Swiss Stake to keep our teams mutually informed about priorities and project status. Our partnership with Swiss Stake provides balance since LlamaRisk is an independent organization and collaborations will improve oversight as well as demand clear strategies for both our teams.

As a more specific example, Swiss Stake is actively pursuing the expansion of chain deployments through Curve-lite. LlamaRisk will collaborate closely with Swiss Stake on chain deployments, offering a suite of bootstrapping services that involves qualitative risk evaluation, markets deployment and optimization, and incentives management. These activities will directly impact the success of Curve on new chains with the goal of achieving sustainable adoption.

2.2.2 LlamaLend Consultancy

While we intend to support all Curve products, we have an immediate priority in promoting the sustainable growth of LlamaLend.

As we have developed tooling and an expertise in analyzing the performance of crvUSD products, we are equipped to play a central role in assisting prospective LlamaLend market creators and protocols integrating these markets. Although these markets are permissionless, there are hurdles to adoption due to complexity in parameter optimization, establishing a suitable oracle, and setting an appropriate monetary policy. LlamaRisk plans to offer guidance to asset issuers and further promote the adoption of these products.

We have already built a foundation to offer service to market creators and to benefit protocols looking to integrate select LlamaLend markets:

  • Our LlamaLend implementation on Caffeine can optimize market parameters suitable for a given collateral type and predict the reliability of the market in adverse scenarios.
  • Our Monetary Policy Optimization methodology ensures the IRM is configured in a way that will protect lenders and optimize market performance by referencing historical market behaviors.
  • Our Market Health Risk Portal observes market dynamics relevant to its risk profile and proactively alerts of conditions that may require action.

As with all our work, we are committed to maximizing transparency, and we will publicize our methodologies and analyses as an educational resource for other prospective integrators.

2.2.3 Protocol Optimization & Risk Steward

While we are fully committed to providing informed consultancy on matters involving protocol optimization and risk management, LlamaRisk believe we are well-suited to also actively manage a variety of Curve markets. This concept is similar to the Aave Risk Stewards, which allows one or more whitelisted service providers to set market parameters within a predefined bound, with the DAO retaining ultimate authority. A Risk Steward implementation would allow Curve to optimize more efficiently and reduce reliance on DAO voting without sacrificing DAO oversight.

This is a concept that has been discussed with Swiss Stake and would involve their collaboration to implement a proxy owner with a Risk Steward role. The contract would include a time delay after every action and set limits on the magnitude of parameter changes.

Some examples where a Risk Steward may be valuable:

  • CryptoSwap to repeg pools that have become stuck in a depegged state
  • LlamaLend to modify the min/max rates of LlamaLend markets to enhance market efficiency.
  • StableSwap pools to optimize liquidity concentration.
  • crvUSD mint markets to set debt ceilings according to our methodology to define safe exposure levels.

For reference, we are already implementing methodologies that allow us to make informed recommendations to the DAO. Our LlamaLend Monetary Policy Optimization Methodology is being used to optimize markets through governance proposals. In general, we observe that max rate should be increased and the IRM curve adjusted to create a stronger target utilization zone (see CRV optimization below):

We have begun implementing our Debt Ceiling Methodology toward monitoring safe recommended debt ceilings in crvUSD mint markets. By monitoring liquidity depth and borrower behaviors, we can proactively mitigate against excessive exposure to a particular collateral type (WETH market in the Curve Risk Portal shown below):

Finally, we are actively monitoring for StableSwap AMM optimization opportunities through historical CurveSim runs on select pools in the Curve Risk Portal. These allow us to adapt to properties of the underlying tokens and ensure competitive returns for LPs and the DAO (3pool shown below):

Active protocol optimization ties in with our overall mission to offer superior quantitative services to Curve, which we plan to implement in a proactive way. We are currently developing tooling to monitor, automate, and scale protocol optimization across all Curve products.

2.3 Curve Booster Foundation

LlamaRisk has been instrumental in securing grants on behalf of Curve DAO, amounting to ~$1.5m in value over the past year. We are collaborating with Swiss Stake to establish a foundation which will improve the operational efficiency of this endeavor.

This involves setting up an appropriate legal entity for these activities and managing the process from grant acquisition to execution. The DAO could delegate responsibility to this entity, which handles KYC/AML, and could then task a chain manager to do BD. Execution is an especially needed component, as it is imperative grant funds are deployed in the most effective way to achieve desired outcomes. The chain manager would authorize using the grants to attract stablecoin issuers present on these chains, striving to maximize impact through co-incentives deals.

LlamaRisk’s role will be to oversee the development of a Curve Booster Foundation and ensure the grants are carried out to the satisfaction of the granting protocol for the mutual benefit to Curve. We will assist in putting capable chain managers in place and supervising their performance. We will set expectations of performance monitoring so the strategies can be properly reviewed and so both Curve and the granting partner have assurance about the effective use of grant funds.

2.4 Qualitative Evaluation

Qualitative risk assessment is the foundation of LlamaRisk’s service offering and for which we have built our reputation. As we are always improving our process for objectively assessing risk, we will continue providing analysis for purposes relevant to Curve. This includes stablecoin risk evaluation for PegKeeper onboarding, an area that we consider to be a critical dependency for crvUSD’s continued stability. We also continuously monitor trends and pay particular attention to assessing categories of assets that gain momentum (e.g. synthetic stablecoins like USDe, LRTs, RWAs). Growth categories often involve substantial speculation and reliance on short term incentives which may mean high exposure on Curve and the potential for destabilizing consequences. Our priority is to preserve Curve’s reputation by offering transparency about these risks and doing everything possible to properly inform Curve’s users.

We possess a unique skill set among DeFi risk providers in terms of our regulatory risk evaluation and consultancy. We will continue research on regulatory issues relevant to Curve and design protections, including comprehensive risk disclaimers that can be displayed on the Curve UI. Our work in this field will improve confidence with users interacting with Curve and encourage the adoption of institutional users, especially as TradFi and DeFi begin to converge.

LlamaRisk will expand on our concept for assessing market health from a qualitative perspective by developing a generalized framework for scoring asset risk. This will encompass such diverse assets as native tokens, LST/LRTs, stablecoins, and RWAs and will account for fundamental differences in trust assumptions for custodial and decentralized protocols. This will allow Curve to showcase LlamaRisk Asset Risk scores on the UI with the goal to build confidence in markets and reduce the risk premium in attracting capital.

Section 3: 2025 Budget Breakdown

The budget breakdown given below reflects the proposed scope for this year.

You can read the breakdown of our proposed budget requirements in the reply to this post.

Budget Summary

LlamaRisk requests a one year linear vest of 2M CRV from the Curve Community Fund to finance our annual budget of $725k, spanning April 2025 to April 2026.

$725K will be our maximum allowable expenditure, and depending on actual expenditure and CRV volatility we may not use the full amount. Distributions will be made monthly in CRV at the USD equivalent value at time of distribution. Any funds remaining at the end of the year will be returned to the DAO or rolled into a subsequent year’s budget.

The vest recipient address is the LlamaRisk treasury multisig: 0xE8555F05b3f5a1F4566CD7da98c4e5F195258B65.


2024 Retrospective Details

You can read about our work over the past year in the collapsed text below:

1.1 Simulation Tooling Development for Protocol Optimization

Development of tooling and quantitative methodologies is one of our most exciting advancements over the past year. As Curve Research has disbanded this year, we have found there to be a need for quantitative R&D, and LlamaRisk has become a natural fit to continue their work.

We have pursued a specialization in quantitative tools that assist us in monitoring risk and optimizing protocol operation. This expertise has become essential as Curve has begun rolling out additional products like crvUSD and LlamaLend. Our proprietary agent-based simulation engine allows us to model the crvUSD protocol and all relevant agents (borrowers, lenders, arbitrageurs, PegKeepers, etc.) to optimize market parameters. Optimization involves minimizing borrower losses in soft liquidation and minimizing accrual of bad debt, while selecting for the most competitive parameter set.

We have published methodologies for our simulation and associated research, including:

We have begun applying our research toward tangible protocol enhancements:

1.2 Risk Portal and Market Health Scoring

We are expanding on our vision to improve transparency standards in DeFi risk evaluation with the introduction of the LlamaRisk Risk Portal. These are custom dashboards that combine real-time analytics, interactive risk models, and quantitative protocol risk evaluation. Several dashboards released this year are relevant to Curve’s users, including the Ethereum Staking Penalty Simulator (ESPS) and the Ethena Reserve Fund dashboard. The ESPS highlights the slashing and inactivity leak tail risks associated with LSTs and LRTs, which have significant presence in Curve AMM and LlamaLend. The Ethena portal involves a methodology to assess the health of its Reserve Fund, a protocol which likewise has significant presence on Curve AMM and LlamaLend.

Most relevant to Curve, of course, is the Curve Risk Portal, which currently includes crvUSD/LlamaLend market health scores and CurveSim AMM optimizations for select pools. The Market Health Scores use real-time market and global asset data to assess several categories of risk relevant to the specific market and dynamically outputs a market health score. This project allows Curve to showcase its commitment to informing users about risk with the goal to instill confidence in LlamaLend that drives adoption and reduces the cost of attracting liquidity. This may be particularly useful for integrating protocols like Resupply to evaluate markets suitable for onboarding. This product consists of a score that can be integrated to the Curve UI and a dedicated Risk Portal that gives granular insight into the scoring methodology and market health analytics.

1.3 Risk Curation/Strategy Management

Looking for ways we could support the growth of crvUSD, we began working with Sturdy Finance and Morpho Finance to design and manage vault strategies (vaults linked). We collaborated with Swiss Stake and C2tP (Convex) to develop solutions for suitable markets and incentivize those markets. Our strategies exclusively use Curve LPs as collateral (wrapped as Yearn vaults on Sturdy and Convex LPs on Morpho) with crvUSD as the borrowable asset. We contributed to smart contracts development for markets and financed code audits. We created public dashboards to monitor vault markets activity. We published multiple explainers on important topics regarding the markets, such as the oracle design or interest rate model, prioritizing transparency and educating users on risks. To date, there have not been any incidents involving our curated vaults that resulted in loss of user funds.

1.4 Curve Beneficiary Grants

Our experience with legal evaluations and ecosystem growth initiatives has positioned us as an essential service provider for intermediating ecosystem grants with Curve as the recipient. As a decentralized entity, there are challenges in meeting legal requirements stipulated in the terms of these grants, and there are challenges in accountability or leadership in pursuing such opportunities. LlamaRisk successfully brokered a grant from the Optimism Foundation for 504,828 OP (~$1.1m at the time of distribution), which was distributed as LP rewards to key Curve Tricrypto and crvUSD pools on Optimism.

We have also collaborated with Swiss Stake on several other successful grant applications on behalf of Curve DAO. A grant for 150k OP was approved to bootstrap LlamaLend on Optimism (this grant is prepped to begin distribution imminently). Another grant from Arbitrum successfully petitioned 237.5k ARB to match a donation by michwill to bootstrap the ARB/crvUSD, WETH/crvUSD, WBTC/crvUSD, and CRV/crvUSD lending markets on Arbitrum. We continue to pursue such opportunities as these on behalf of Curve.

1.5 Public Outreach

Our work is most effective and most positively impacts Curve when developers, DAO stakeholders, and end users are aware of our work and consider us a valuable resource. Outreach has been a priority for us as we strive to communicate our research and analysis to all relevant parties.

  • We have migrated our research to our new website www.llamarisk.com where we also host our new Risk Portal service. We also have a public Telegram channel where we offer consultation with developers and protocol users, especially support related to our managed vaults.
  • We have developed a partnership with Leviathan News to showcase our research on live stream. We schedule these shows on a biweekly basis and take the opportunity to offer our fair and objective analysis, consistent with the reputation we have developed for several years.
  • We have attended conferences such as Stable Summit and ETHcc in Brussels where we participated in panel discussions and networked with Curve ecosystem-aligned developers. Our goal here is to strengthen bonds that can be difficult to manage in a DAO structure, and to reflect positive impressions that expand the network of developers building on Curve.

1.6 PegKeepers Curation

We view PegKeepers as a critical dependency for crvUSD and have placed special importance on ensuring a safe and diverse PegKeeper set. The risk of stablecoin depeg has been mitigated with the introduction of PegKeepers V2, but we continue placing high priority on the stability and reliability of the PegKeeper stablecoins.

At times we recommend against inclusion of stablecoins that offer weak user assurances (e.g. TUSD [1], [2]), and based on our research conclusions we have involved ourselves in governance to reduce or remove exposure to such assets. Likewise, we aim to ensure a diverse PegKeeper set and have successfully brokered arrangements with stablecoin issuers (e.g. Mountain USDM) to make crvUSD pools possible in support of PegKeeper onboarding.

We continue to conduct risk reviews and participate in business development efforts to attract liquidity to suitable PegKeeper stablecoins that we believe contribute to the overall PegKeeper diversity and ultimately the stability of crvUSD. A selection of comprehensive risk evaluation for the purpose of PegKeeper onboarding include:

1.7 Protocol Teams Consultation

A critical aspect of our work that may be easy to overlook is the consultations we continuously manage with protocol teams that have Curve markets integrations. In accordance with our risk evaluations, we set clear expectations for security practices and work with teams in making improvements. Our work includes advocating for bug bounty programs, improved access controls, and increased transparency for end users.

A good example of such activity is our work behind the scenes on WBTC to ensure sensible and compliant steps in its custody restructuring partnership with BiT Global. This presented LlamaRisk an opportunity to showcase its expertise in evaluating regulatory risk and to diplomatically navigate a sensitive situation to protect the interests of Curve and its users.

1.8 Budget Breakdown: 2024

In prior years, LlamaRisk received its annual budget from the Curve Grants Council. We were approved a $568,200 annual budget for the 2024 calendar year, officially concluding at the end of December '24. Although we denominate our budget in USD, we have received payment in CRV and we do not swap tokens for stablecoins wherever possible. We received 1.5M CRV to conduct our operations. Core team members receive their entire compensation in CRV and we only swap for stables when paying incidental expenses where CRV receipt is not possible.

The majority of expenditure has been allocated toward dedicated team members. We began 2024 with a 4-member team and concluded the year with a 6-member team on payroll (1 full time manager, 1 part time manager, 2 research analysts, 2 dev-focused quantitative analysts).


In general, we tried to stay well below our stated budget, mainly because of our exposure to CRV price volatility and the poor market conditions through much of 2024. This allowed us to end 2024 with remaining funds that we have been using to continue our service for Curve into 2025.



1.9 Retrospective Conclusion

Thanks in large part to our support from Curve DAO, we have grown to be one of the most respected names in DeFi risk services. In this past year, LlamaRisk has expanded to nearly 20 contributors and diversified its pool of talent across quantitative risk analysts, full stack developers, business leads, and legal/regulatory experts. This has been achieved entirely on funding from our protocol partners, as we remain a non-profit without any VC funding or any outside investment.

Curve has given us the opportunity to realize this potential as our first and most important partner. The past year has been our most productive to date and Curve stands to benefit from this investment as it goes into the new year with the most dedicated and aligned risk team that our industry has to offer. This year we have laid the groundwork for a full-fledged suite of services across risk, research, and growth and we are dedicated to securing Curve’s role as the lifeblood of DeFi.

2025 Budget Details

You can read the breakdown of our proposed budget requirements in the collapsed text below:

3.1 Payroll Breakdown

The renewal allows us to fully dedicate an expanded team of quantitative and qualitative risk analysts who will devote full time availability toward simulations tooling, risk monitoring, quantitative analysis, and asset risk reports. Their focus will be on all core Curve products, including Curve StableSwap, CryptoSwap, LlamaLend, and crvUSD mint markets. We also continue to allocate payroll toward team management and legal counsel, roles that encompass Booster Foundation responsibility in addition to other operational duties.

Payment to core team members and to LlamaRisk analysts will be made monthly in CRV for the equivalent value in USD at time of payment. All other expenses will be paid in the same manner whenever possible. In cases where a third party is unable to accept CRV, we may swap the billable amount to stablecoin before transfer.

A brief description of roles and responsibilities within our team is given below.

  • Management (2 members):
    • Team management consists of a full time and part time manager who are responsible for strategy decisions, managing tasks of team members and analysts, reviewing and publishing reports, serving as representative of LlamaRisk when addressing Curve DAO, Curve team, and partner protocol team, and any other managerial or administrative duties.
  • Risk Analyst Team (4 members):
    • The Quantitative Lead is responsible for identifying and pursuing improved analytical approaches including to spearhead development of simulation modeling for parameter recommendation, establishing quantitative frameworks for risk review, overseeing analyst research, and ensuring data accuracy.
    • The Risk Portal Lead is in charge of the Risk Portal team development efforts by establishing methodologies for risk models, risk scores, analytics, and monitoring. Much of this work serves to communicate our simulations and other quantitative research in a public facing way. They also support risk research report topics with relevant analytics and historical models. Their work plays an essential role in developing automated risk curation systems that allow LlamaRisk to actively optimize Curve products.
    • The Research Lead develops methodologies for assessing risk and optimizing protocol operations. They apply their work directly toward simulations and quantitative risk assessment, in addition to academic-style report publication. They also conduct asset risk assessment and other qualitative risk evaluations.
    • The Quant/Qual Risk Analyst serves as an all-around researcher competent in simulations tooling development, quantitative analysis, and general risk assessment. They produce publications about research methodologies and lead research for publications concerning asset risk and qualitative risk scoring.
  • Legal Counsel
    • The Legal Counsel provides guidance on regulatory matters relevant to Curve, including to address onboarding considerations for regulated RWA assets. The Legal Counsel is responsible for leading grants initiatives on behalf of Curve, especially in establishing and overseeing a Curve Booster Foundation entity.
  • Dev Team:
    • We have a development team that manages our tech stack composed of one backend, one frontend dev, and one fullstack dev. These team members are responsible for handling development, pushing updates, and monitoring performance and data accuracy for the Risk Portal. There will be features continuously added to the Risk Portal and continuous maintenance is required to ensure product quality.

3.2 Operating Expenses

Operating expenses include expenses related to our work on behalf of Curve, including audits and deployment of vault strategy contracts, server costs, website maintenance, risk reports, and conference expenses.

A brief explanation of the operating expense line items:

  • Infra Expense: This includes costs associated with website development and maintenance, cloud server subscriptions, and other infra expenses. This also includes gas costs from contract/vote deployments, and audit expenses.
  • Events/Conferences: These funds pay for expenses related to attending and speaking at conferences. We plan to attend 2 conferences over the course of the year.
  • Risk Reports: At times we contract risk analysts to conduct risk reports when our core team has reached capacity. Risk reports will be conducted as needed, for example upon request by Curve team to review a stablecoin for PegKeepers or on behalf of Curve-related products.

Operational Commitments

3.3.1 Unused Funds

As was the case in previous years, this $725k budget represents our maximum allowable expenditure. Any unused budget from 2025 will either be returned to the Curve DAO or rolled into a future renewal, pending approval of the DAO.

3.3.2 Quarterly Reports

LlamaRisk will share a report of our activities and spending to the governance forum at the end of each quarter during our engagement. Reports will be posted in July 2025, October 2025, January 2026, and April 2026.