Proposal to add new cross chain gauges to replace existing sidechain/L2 gauges in preparation of CRV emissions migration.
The new cross chain gauge factory has been in production for over a month now and has a simplified architecture in terms of CRV bridging, doesn’t require weekly core dev upkeep, and is completely permission-less. Due to the delayed nature of sidechain/L2 gauges, these new gauges will need to first be added so that veCRV holders can migrate their votes and eventually LPs can migrate liquidity without a gap in CRV emissions.
After this vote is enacted a new vote will be proposed one week after to kill the existing gauges so CRV rewards continually get accrued during this migration/transition period.
Below is a list of the gauges (old + their new replacement).
chain_id | gauge_type | name | old_gauge | new_gauge |
100 | 4 | x3pool | 0x6C09F6727113543Fd061a721da512B7eFCDD0267 | 0x82049b520cAc8b05E703bb35d1691B5005A92848 |
250 | 1 | 2pool | 0xb9C05B8EE41FDCbd9956114B3aF15834FDEDCb54 | 0x15bB164F9827De760174d3d3dAD6816eF50dE13c |
250 | 1 | g3CRV | 0xfE1A3dD8b169fB5BF0D5dbFe813d956F39fF6310 | 0xF7b9c402c4D6c2eDbA04a7a515b53D11B1E9b2cc |
250 | 1 | btcCRV | 0xfDb129ea4b6f557b07BcDCedE54F665b7b6Bc281 | 0xbC38bD19227F91424eD4132F630f51C9A42Fa338 |
250 | 1 | crv3crypto | 0x260e4fBb13DD91e187AE992c3435D0cf97172316 | 0x319E268f0A4C85D404734ee7958857F5891506d7 |
137 | 2 | am3pool | 0xC48f4653dd6a9509De44c92beb0604BEA3AEe714 | 0x20759F567BB3EcDB55c817c9a1d13076aB215EdC |
137 | 2 | a3crypto | 0x060e386eCfBacf42Aa72171Af9EFe17b3993fC4F | 0xBb1B19495B8FE7C402427479B9aC14886cbbaaeE |
137 | 2 | btcCRV | 0x488E6ef919C2bB9de535C634a80afb0114DA8F62 | 0x8D9649e50A0d1da8E939f800fB926cdE8f18B47D |
137 | 2 | crvEURTUSD | 0xAF78381216a8eCC7Ad5957f3cD12a431500E0B0D | 0x8b397084699Cc64E429F610F81Fac13bf061ef55 |
42161 | 7 | 2pool | 0xFf17560d746F85674FE7629cE986E949602EF948 | 0xCE5F24B7A95e9cBa7df4B54E911B4A3Dc8CDAf6f |
42161 | 7 | btcCRV | 0x9F86c5142369B1Ffd4223E5A2F2005FC66807894 | 0xDB3fd1bfC67b5D4325cb31C04E0Cae52f1787FD6 |
42161 | 7 | 3crypto | 0x9044E12fB1732f88ed0c93cfa5E9bB9bD2990cE5 | 0x555766f3da968ecBefa690Ffd49A2Ac02f47aa5f |
42161 | 7 | crvEURSUSD | 0x56eda719d82aE45cBB87B7030D3FB485685Bea45 | 0x6339eF8Df0C2d3d3E7eE697E241666a916B81587 |
43114 | 8 | av3crv | 0xB504b6EB06760019801a91B451d3f7BD9f027fC9 | 0x4620D46b4db7fB04a01A75fFed228Bc027C9A899 |
43114 | 8 | btcCRV | 0x75D05190f35567e79012c2F0a02330D3Ed8a1F74 | 0x00F7d467ef51E44f11f52a0c0Bef2E56C271b264 |
43114 | 8 | 3crypto | 0xa05e565ca0a103fcd999c7a7b8de7bd15d5f6505 | 0x1879075f1c055564CB968905aC404A5A01a1699A |
New Gauge Factory Repo: GitHub - curvefi/curve-xchain-factory: Permission-less gauge factory for cross-chain CRV emissions
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