Remove CRV rewards from the following gauges:
- ibEUR/sEUR - 0x99fb76F75501039089AAC8f20f487bf84E51d76F
- ibCHF/sCHF - 0x2fA53e8fa5fAdb81f4332C8EcE39Fe62eA2f919E
- ibGBP/sGBP - 0x63d9f3aB7d0c528797A12a0684E50C397E9e79dC
- ibAUD/sAUD - 0x05ca5c01629a8E5845f12ea3A03fF7331932233A
- ibKRW/sKRW - 0x1750a3a3d80A3F5333BBe9c4695B0fAd41061ab1
- ibJPY/sJPY - 0xeFF437A56A22D7dD86C1202A308536ED8C7da7c1
- ibEUR/USDC - 0xE1D520B1263D6Be5678568BD699c84F7f9086023
- ibCHF/USDC - 0x36C66bC294fEf4e94B3e40A1801d0AB0085Fe96e
- ibGBP/USDC - 0x1Ba86c33509013c937344f6e231DA2E63ea45197
- ibAUD/USDC - 0x1779AEB087C5BdBe48749ab03575f5f25D1DEeaF
- ibKRW/USDC - 0xb6d7C2bda5a907832d4556AE5f7bA800FF084C2a
- ibJPY/USDC - 0x3A748A2F4765BDFB119Cb7143b884Db7594a68c3
- ibEUR/EURA - 0x38039dD47636154273b287F74C432Cac83Da97e2
This proposal is to remove CRV rewards from the Fixed Forex pools as team winds down borrowing of assets from Iron Bank. Additionally, Synthetix has announced depreciation of Synth spot assets. Because of that, there is no more reason to continue to give incentives to these pools.
For: Set all three gauges as “killed”.
Against: Do not change the gauges.