Kill all non-sUSD gauges on synth pools on the ethereum network
Gauges of synth pools (excluding pools that contain sUSD) on ethereum, should be killed in order to incentivize liquidity providers to draw out their liquidity ahead of SIP-2059 implementation, expected in 2 weeks time.
Gauge | Coins | Synth | Synth Tokens | Synth Value USD | Pool Value USD | Pool |
0x6d787113f23bed1d5e1530402b3f364d0a6e5af3 | wBTC/sBTC | sBTC | 129.65 | 8,547,055.15 | 16,879,752.07 | 0xf253f83aca21aabd2a20553ae0bf7f65c755a07f |
0x705350c4bcd35c9441419ddd5d2f097d7a55410f | renBTC/wBTC/sBTC | sBTC | 46.73 | 3,080,775.47 | 8,838,322.18 | 0x7fc77b5c7614e1533320ea6ddc2eb61fa00a9714 |
0x3c0ffff15ea30c35d7a85b85c0782d6c94e1d238 | sETH/ETH | sETH | 578.62 | 1,915,298.55 | 4,854,272.58 | 0xc5424b857f758e906013f3555dad202e4bdb4567 |
0x90bb609649e0451e5ad952683d64bd2d1f245840 | EURS/sEUR | sEUR | 583,072.78 | 628,470.83 | 1,816,320.08 | 0x0ce6a5ff5217e38315f87032cf90686c96627caa |
0x2fa53e8fa5fadb81f4332c8ece39fe62ea2f919e | ibCHF/sCHF | sCHF | 49,353.49 | 54,313.39 | 691,217.27 | 0x9c2c8910f113181783c249d8f6aa41b51cde0f0c |
0x1750a3a3d80a3f5333bbe9c4695b0fad41061ab1 | sKRW/ibKRW | sKRW | 55,311,780.04 | 40,912.46 | 582,004.10 | 0x8461a004b50d321cb22b7d034969ce6803911899 |
0x99fb76f75501039089aac8f20f487bf84e51d76f | ibEUR/sEUR | sEUR | 42,698.37 | 46,022.87 | 300,005.05 | 0x19b080fe1ffa0553469d20ca36219f17fcf03859 |
0xeff437a56a22d7dd86c1202a308536ed8c7da7c1 | ibJPY/sJPY | sJPY | 1,483,381.36 | 9,767.56 | 68,550.60 | 0x8818a9bb44fbf33502be7c15c500d0c783b73067 |
0x05ca5c01629a8e5845f12ea3a03ff7331932233a | ibAUD/sAUD | sAUD | 49,774.85 | 32,449.89 | 62,301.81 | 0x3f1b0278a9ee595635b61817630cc19de792f506 |
The pools in the table above contain synths (sETH,sBTC,…) that are set to be incentivized to be migrated to
via a dynamic redeemer contract. This contract gives back the user sUSD for a given amount of synth burned, at the latest chainlink price. All other forms of synth spot exchanges will be disabled on the ethereum network. In addition, adiscountRate
is expected to be levied, which increases the incentive on synth holders to swap their volatile synths to sUSD. As such, in order to avoid having the value of their assets diluted, LP’s are encouraged to withdraw synths from liquidity pools and swap them to sUSD or to non-synth collateral at the earliest. Updates to thediscountRate
, which would initially be set at 1 require governance sign-off. More details on the implementation of v2x migration plan can be found in SIP-2059. Also happy to help users swap their synth with the best execution possible, feel free to reach out to us in Synthetix’s Discord.
Worth reiterating that the scope of the changes are pertaining to the ethereum network (L1), optimism is not affected.
# kill sETH/ETH
("0x519AFB566c05E00cfB9af73496D00217A630e4D5", “set_killed”, “0x3c0ffff15ea30c35d7a85b85c0782d6c94e1d238”, True),
# kill EURS/sEUR
("0x519AFB566c05E00cfB9af73496D00217A630e4D5", “set_killed”, “0x90bb609649e0451e5ad952683d64bd2d1f245840”, True),
# kill ibCHF/sCHF
("0x742C3cF9Af45f91B109a81EfEaf11535ECDe9571", “set_killed”, “0x2fa53e8fa5fadb81f4332c8ece39fe62ea2f919e”, True),
# kill sKRW/ibKRW
("0x742C3cF9Af45f91B109a81EfEaf11535ECDe9571", “set_killed”, “0x1750a3a3d80a3f5333bbe9c4695b0fad41061ab1”, True),
# kill ibEUR/sEUR
("0x742C3cF9Af45f91B109a81EfEaf11535ECDe9571", “set_killed”, “0x99fb76f75501039089aac8f20f487bf84e51d76f”, True),
# kill ibJPY/sJPY
("0x742C3cF9Af45f91B109a81EfEaf11535ECDe9571", “set_killed”, “0xeff437a56a22d7dd86c1202a308536ed8c7da7c1”, True),
# kill ibAUD/sAUD
("0x742C3cF9Af45f91B109a81EfEaf11535ECDe9571", “set_killed”, “0x05ca5c01629a8e5845f12ea3a03ff7331932233a”, True),
Pertaining to the wBTC/sBTC pool gauge , they might be able to be killed with the deployer.