Reimbursing costs incurred to JPEG’d DAO during the July exploit

From your comment, I get the following:

  1. It is fair that JPEG’d DAO gets compensated for the impact of the Curve exploit
  2. It’d be fairer to remove the 25% premium
  3. The same terms should be used as the previous reimbursment (prices taken at the snapshot of the 12/13, with CRV being vested)

If applying both 2 and 3, this would mean a total of 4,601,409.57 CRV to be vested until the same date as the other reimbursements. Would this be fairer and acceptable? Like suggested by @WormholeOracle at the top?

I still kinda feel it’s slightly unfair to affected users in the JPEG/pETH pool and JPEG holders. As such, I’d propose using the price of JPEG right before the exploit. Would this be an option?
That would take the reimbursement amount to 4,833,970 CRV.

AFAIK, that is the prices used by Curve to reimburse the affected users in JPEG’d related pools. It’s a small difference, but it’s also important to account that Curve’s social media kinda threw JPEG’d under the bus during the exploit, saying the DAO’s contracts were faulty, creating inappropriate FUD in a moment it’s best to stick together. In fact it was a JPEG’d dev that figured out the exploit and alerted the Curve team if my memory of this super stressful moment serves well.

I also want to highlight here that I think the reimbursement Curve is doing is a great gesture, and I understand the positioning of the Curve community. Very similar discussions happened on our discord at the time we were executing the reimbursement, and I’m aware of the difficulty, so thank you all for keeping it civil and good willed.


Bad precedents are being set if one DAO is favored over the other just for gauge voting
Equal treatment for everyone should be the norm