We are requesting a fee change from 4000000
(0.04%) → 1000000
(0.01%) on the superOETHb/WETH pool on Base, (0x302a94e3c28c290eaf2a4605fc52e11eb915f378).
We originally deployed this pool and added liquidity to support swaps to/from superOETHb. Even though we have pools on other AMMs with the same fee, few swaps are being routed through the Curve pool.
To ensure that more superOETHb swaps are being routed through the Curve pool, we would like to experiment with lowering the fee to 1bps from 4bps. This should provide an opportunity to earn on this pool through increased swap volume. This will simplify trading for superOETHb on Base, and should help drive more volume for the pair to Curve from other AMMs.