Proposal to add WETH/superOETHb to the Gauge Controller


Proposal to add WETH/superOETHb to the Gauge Controller.

Origin Protocol is taking the rapidly growing superOETHb and bringing it to Curve. You can learn more about the growth of superOETHb on our analytics page.

Like our other tokens, superOETHb will soon enable Yield Forwarding and Pool Booster to help drive more incentives for the pool, leading to deeper liquidity and improved LP earnings.

References/Useful links:

Protocol Description:

Origin Protocol is a suite of complimentary DeFi products designed to increase economic opportunity for all. These permissionless and composable smart contracts provide superior user experiences across DeFi in a groundbreaking multichain yield ecosystem.


Origin Protocol is heavily involved in the Curve ecosystem with OUSD and OETH pools holding more than $38-million in TVL.

We believe that a gauge for WETH/superOETHb will complement our Curve strategy and increase our TVL on Curve while attracting new liquidity and volume for the pool. TVL on Base for superOETHb is more than $105-million USD.


  1. Governance: superOETHb is governed by xOGN holders with any upgrades to the contracts being time-delayed by a 48-hour timelock.
  2. Oracles: Origin Protocol uses Chainlink for WOETH price feeds and has a DIA oracle for superOETHb
  3. Audits: superOETHb code is well audited with OpenZeppelin and Certora auditing the latest changes to add Yield Forwarding to the codebase.
  4. Centralization vectors: superOETHb is a decentralized stablecoin backed by WETH and WOETH. ETH backing WOETH is staked on the beacon chain.
  5. Market History: superOETHb was launched in 2024 and currently has more than $105M in TVL.


You can vote for the WETH/superOETHb gauge here.

Thank you for your support!

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Hey, vote is created wrong, it tries to add an EOA in gauge controller and not the root liquidity gauge.
Root liquidity gauge address is, (and child gauge is )
vote must be created again and must use the Root liquidity gauge address.

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Thanks for flagging this and working with our team to fix. The corrected vote can be found at