Proposal to add T/ETH gauge


Proposal to add T + ETH v2 pool to the Gauge Controller to enable users to assign gauge weight and mint CRV.


Threshold is a newly created network formed by the combination of NuCypher and Keep, the first example of a decentralized network merger. NuCypher was founded in 2016 by myself and @michwill from Curve and Keep was founded in 2017.

Threshold provides a suite of threshold cryptography primitives that can be used for data privacy, access controls, decentralized DRM, decentralized 2FA, and, most relevant for Curve, cross-chain asset bridges.

A gauge that earns CRV would boost the liquidity in the pool, and help Threshold bootstrap itself as a major participant in the Curve ecosystem.

One of the marquee applications that will be launching on Threshold is the upcoming tBTCv2 bridge. tBTCv2 is a trust-minimized, decentralized Bitcoin bridge that provides a permissionless way for BTC holders to participate in DeFi on Ethereum: An Intro to tBTC for NuCypherinos.

Once the v2 bridge launches, tBTCv2, the only decentralized Bitcoin bridge on the market, will be competitive with wBTC from a scalability and minting cost perspective. tBTCv2 aims not only to provide a superior alternative to existing wBTC users but also to bridge over a significant amount of idle BTC that has never participated in DeFi and greatly expand the TVL of Bitcoin on Ethereum. The Curve tBTCv2 pool will be a key part of that effort.

Threshold plans to launch additional products that could drive significant TVL and volume to the Curve ecosystem. There is already a community-driven effort underway to fork Liquity and create a purely decentralized stable coin 100% backed by BTC, provisionally called thUSD. Other variants, like thEUR, might also be created in the future.


Audits of Threshold were performed by ChainSecurity and Certik.

T/ETH should have a gauge that can earn CRV

T/ETH should not have a gauge that can earn CRV
