Hi! This is unofficial community member initiative to add osGNO/GNO pool to the gauge controller
This is proposal to add the following pool to the gauge controller:
pool 0x029ee678c91b52ed567d106a6f28e6b483165987
link https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x029ee678c91b52ed567d106a6f28e6b483165987
gauge 0x90d03c87ed07f2f804ff13e6a828be1fcd680907
link https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x90d03c87ed07f2f804ff13e6a828be1fcd680907
References/Useful links:
Website: StakeWise https://stakewise.io / Gnosis https://www.gnosis.io/
Documentation: StakeWise https://docs-v3.stakewise.io
Github: StakeWise GitHub - stakewise/v3-core: Liquid staking protocol for Ethereum
Protocols Description
StakeWise was the first non-custodial liquid staking solution on Gnosis. After over a year of development and testing, the V3 upgrade is now live. StakeWise V3 is a free public good that aims to fully democratize the staking ecosystem and greatly improve the decentralisation of staked capital. Any entity can offer trustless, non-custodial staking-as-a-service via an open marketplace that gives stakers the ability to delegate to their preferred operators/staking solutions.
StakeWise V3 features a liquid staking token, osGNO, that any staker can mint to access DeFi. osGNO minting is optional and can be done on-demand, for times when a liquid staking token is needed. The osGNO token has in-built slashing protection due to its overcollateralisation and accrues yield from a diverse set of node operators.
The GNO token holds the three domains together: GNO is the voting token for the Gnosis DAO, the staking token for Gnosis Chain, and the ultimate beneficiary of the growth of internally incubated projects and external investments
Info what is Gnosis v3 here https://forum.gnosis.io/t/introducing-gnosis-3-0/8252
Curve has a track-record of providing quality liquidity for LSTs. This pool will allow LPers to benefit from osGNO staking yield and combining this with the addition of the liquidity gauge will solve the issues of capital inefficiency.
StakeWise v3 - Halborn and Sigma Prime reports are here
alongside a public audit competition hosted by Hats Finance x.com
Market history
Stakewise v3 osETH utilizes same tech stack as osGNO. osETH Curve pool exist here
Link to pool: 0xe080027Bd47353b5D1639772b4a75E9Ed3658A0d https://etherscan.io/address/0xe080027Bd47353b5D1639772b4a75E9Ed3658A0d