Proposal to add dETH/frxETH to the Gauge Controller

Stakehouse’s mission is to bring the benefits of ETH staking to the mainstream user. To do this Blockswap developed a public benefit infrastructure favoring solo stakers. Those who are most important to the Ethereum blockchain now have access to the Stakehouse middle layer which is like ETH staking with superpowers. Not only are solo stakers empowered, but anybody who touches staked ETH or its peripheries can benefit from a protocol that creates multichain ETH without a bridge, doesn’t pool users’ assets, doesn’t collect a commission, doesn’t require a particular node, and doesn’t use an oracle.

Stakehouse insists that users should never have to surrender their ETH, their validator keys, or sacrifice the decentralization of Ethereum for a quick gain.

The Stakehouse protocol is tooling around the Ethereum Deposit Contract (EDC) which enables stakers to have fungible staking derivatives without compromising the unique yield of each ETH thus upholding the atomic dependency of a single ETH validator. Stakers now have increased optionality when it comes to staking. Solo stakers can now access a true derivative that is not based on a pool and take control of their own ETH. Users maintain full autonomy by having the ability to select any node operator they would like. The Stakehouse protocol will provide staking and validator rewards at mass.

Once a validator owner has registered a validator on the Stakehouse Protocol they will be able to mint dETH. For validator owners to use dETH across EVM blockchains and applications.

For setting up this pool is for Curve to act as one of our main liquidity venues for dETH/frxETH pair. By being part of Frax’s program, we can enter the curve space in a more sustainable way for us while helping Frax on their goal to push frxETH adoption.

Stakehouse protocol developed and governed by Blockswap DAO. Blockswap DAO is a network DAO governed by the BSN token. Being a network DAO the goal is to create, release, test, and maintain protocols and their associated toolings necessary to support the growth and adoption of the Blockswap Network.

We are applying to add dETH/frxETH to the Gauge Controller and join Frax’s [FIP - 182] frxETHBP & WETHR Program - Miscellaneous - Frax Finance Governance 2.

Curve pool link

Curve pool 0x7c0d189e1fecb124487226dcba3748bd758f98e4

Curve Gauge 0x688eb2c49d352c9448049a2263cfce63d0918d3e



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