Lambda Gauge Proposal on FTM network

You needed $4M to fund 5 months worth of work? what? There is been zero proof of any other dev’s working on this, so the $4M just went to you. fucking thief.

Please read the proposal at the top of this thread.

Please stop referring to yourself in the plural.

We all know the only reason treasury hasn’t disappeared into a mixer is because you touched KYC binance accounts with it.

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you wouldn’t say this if you are with us since day 1.

Spartacus means what they say.

So first five are somehow invalid? Or maybe you just don’t have any rebuttal to it bcs it’s true? Hmmm wonder which one is it…

To holders. You call every holder that doesn’t agree with you an “rfv hunter” and by looking at two proposals from community it’s whole dao. Not a single “non rfv hunter” holder voted against. Proposal were posted multiple times on discord and despite you removing those links few times those proposals got much higher participation than any of yours ever had. That clearly shows that there just one group of holders here and this fight is between whole DAO and you alone.

We could have farmed with currently existing stables like dai, usdc, usdt, frax for months already but you didn’t allow that. Only 2.5m to spex, another unaudited fork you created that provides less than market rates for our funds. Now you want to force us into agreeing to providing more liquidity for Lambda that has unaudited contracts with multiple issues outlined above. This is fishy for me. You can’t even provide basic math for expected returns when asked in discord. Why not farm with something else that doesn’t even need bribes from us?

You refused to implement anything that would benefit spa holders for months but now you care? Sorry bud but all trust is gone so I don’t rly believe in your good intentions here. Maybe if you listened to community earlier…

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As I already explained in my initial post.
This is 2nd proposal that happened only because you outright refused to implement what dao passed earlier. First proposal coming from community doesn’t ask for dissolution but for inverse bonds and reducing liquidity to stop massive dilution of token backing value. First Snapshot.
That first proposal was better for holders but you refused and broke any remaining trust in community. Hence the 2nd one happened asking for dissolution bcs dao doesn’t want to have anything to do with someone that abuses his power to block governance for his own benefit.

Exactly. Community proposed a solution to protect backing and he just ignored it. Now he wants to do inverse bonds ONLY if he gets a gauge for his stupid lamba thing no one cares about. Spartacus is cooking something new to steal more money from the community.

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Not that I think anyone would… but I sincerely hope that no-one here takes this proposal seriously. Spartacus has acted in nothing but bad faith as of late, has systematically banned every single person who has spoken even slightly critically of him. Hell, one person was even banned for using a clown emoji on one of his cronies’ posts ffs…

Also very hypocritical of Spartacus to be throwing daggers at “RFV hunter dogs” and lumping everyone under that category, when HE IS LITERALLY THE BIGGEST ONE. Millions of dollars redeemed by him (insider trading), all from various wallets linked directly to him and visible on chain for everyone to see with little digging.

As to the so called organized group of RFV hunters… they are where they are today because he has banned every single person to speak up and they had no choice to but to find a safe space to stay informed… since they have no access to the discord anymore.

Im not sure what world you live in Spartacus… but its certainly not the real one. Frankly I think youre too clever to even believe the nonsense you’re spouting, so i can only assume your responses are tailored instead to mislead the public and influence the opinions of uninformed people who arent up to date with things.

This entire thing reeks of Fortress DAO- another smart, malicious dev who executed things well at first, but then milked the treasury or insider traded and ignored the community thereafter. Spartacus was just a little smarter to buy and redeem his millions a little more anonymously than Avraham Eisenberg whi committed blatant fraud.

This “DAO” no longer has any say on what happens to our community and has become a dictatorship with a dev who acts in bad faith constantly.


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I cant speak for the other guy… but I have been here since the second week after Spartacus launched. You are acting in bad faith… HE. IS. NOT. WRONG.

I didnt redeem the first time around and deeply regret it now watching the sad state of this community while you ignore their wishes and trash talk everyone who disagrees with you. Especially considering how much money you extracted during that redemption, insider trading millions and leeching value from the DAO.

DCF God is one of the most respected names in crypto… and many others you speak against here or have banned, all have offered valuable, level headed discussion to the discord.

As to the RFVoors…stop trying to lump everyone in that category… Ive been in Spartacus since the start and even I support redemption at this point. Not everyone who supports redemption is an RFV’er. And also… frankly… you need to stop putting the ones who ARE down also. There is nothing wrong with wanting to profit, thats exactly the reason why we are all here.

When the direction of the DAO seems irresponsible or unprofitable… its the responsibility of the community to weigh whether its even worth it to continue a hopeless venture versus a 300% guaranteed return (which still leaves people like me who bought at $200 and $100 down btw.)

Stop being a hypocrite and trash talking the community and listen to your DAO members. It is unfair for you to say ANYTHING against ANYONE, when you insider traded and redeemed over 4 million or whatever it was during the first redemption.

RFV dogs my ass… Spartacus was just another Ohm fork that capitalized on Ponzi season. The momentum is gone and now you are trying to experiment with the treasury asking us to put faith in you, while you ignore our wishes and speak nothing but badly about us. Perhaps we’d believe a bit more in your capability or one of your “new” concepts, if you provided something novel or of a useful nature, rather than comically attempting to fork more projects… after the momentum has died from the originals lol!

Id say I hope that all this prolonging things isnt just to extract value from the treasury and milk funds for “developing” some vague things… but I frankly i can no longer be optimistic. You were smart enough at forking a smarter person’s original idea… beyond that, Ive seen little to speak to your ability to adapt or deliver of late.

Stop holding your community hostage and do the right thing. And for anyone interested throw a follow to this twitter account:

Spactivist Twitter Account

I believe that updates on actions and investigations launched will be posted there.


So basically you listen to governance when it is convenient?

Your multisig is still not resolved…

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It is your best interest and your duty to do not let your project be traded 75% under its backing value. The only reason you can call ALL new investor in your community ‘rfv hunter’ because you FAILED with your ideas and let your community down for months. But you not willing to admit it and sit comfy on top of the treasury to prepare some ‘potential exploit’ options with such moves…
You FAILED with your project, time to move on!

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So lets see some other facts:
Spartacus DAO not communicating at all with his token holders

  • no medium or any other kind of articles published (why?fishy)
  • a few sort and high level announcements and some words from only one dev every 4 days or so (okay, we know we have a shy dev)
  • BUT people getting banned from SPA server if they have different opinions (why?fishy)
  • no AMA, why?
  • no new proposals for discussion and vote (only one person can initiate it), why?
  • no re-assessment and evaluation of past project actions, why?
  • no metrics defined to actually measure success, why?

Oh I know, because there is a HUGE fraction between the MAJORITY of token holders and team lead. Spartacus, you seriously have to change your state of mind, you cannot work without a community behind you!
First step would be my friend to unban EVERYONE, lets have those discussions done in SPA server, and you should be MORE active there!
You failed convincing your community about your vision, ideas and view, you have to accept it, people are not stupid! It is what it is… and you are already dancing on the edge from legal perspective

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bc it isn’t profitable

I dont want to repeat too many points as they have been made well, succinctly and accurately capture the current situation. However I feel it necessary to correct these inaccuracies from Spartacus

Although it’s convenient to place the blame of proposals at DCF and his supposedly RFV crew, this is a falsehood. As publisher of the proposals and custodian of the SPA community snapshot I feel it appropriate to point out that I have been a holder of SPA since December 2021 as have all trusted community members that have helped with the proposals.

After redemption v1 it was proposed that Spex would be delivered within 3 weeks, this quickly became 3 months with no release. During this waiting period it was noted by several members the issues with the current liquidity and how the backing value would decrease as price increased. Spartacus refused to do anything. Upon the price rally in late July this came to fruition and it was asked that Spartacus remove liquidity and implement inverse bonds. He refused to so. In order to convince him, an article was produced Sparta Defend. Proposal to protect token-holder value: | by Pilezitin | Medium. As he still refused to do this despite pleads from the community a snapshot vote was created for SPA holders to vote. Snapshot. The vote was a record turn-out despite no social media posts, no announcements within the discord and a short time limit. Spartacus still refused to implement. Note that this had nothing to do with redemptions or RFVoors just holders unanimously backing a mechanism to protect token holder value.

After this point in time Spartacus decided to start banning people from the discord myself included for trivial reasons such as placing clown emojis reactions on posts. (peoples only method of keeping up to date with their investment)

Spartacus continued to regularly ghost the discord for months at a time till ultimately he came up with the proposal we see here. This is a proposal nobody voted for and nobody wants. As it had shown that Spartacus had grown so out of touch with his community it was proposed that Spartacus Dao be carved out of the ecosystem through a redemption process and Spartacus removed as head of Spartacus dao with remaining funds left to spartacus to run his pet projects.

Spartacus has refused to implement this proposal despite a record turnout and supermajority. He refuses to implement the rights of the token holders he claims to represent.

We no longer have faith in him to run the project. This proposal has been submitted by someone without the authority to implement it funded by people who do not want it.

This proposal should be rejected


Guess that announcement in discord was a lie.
He told us he will be back here to answer everything in 24h due to Curve forum post limit but days passed and no responses here.

I guess it’s much easier for him to control narrative in discord where he can instantly ban anyone that disagrees and asks hard questions.

Nothing from list of issues raised in this thread has been resolved.
Spartacabra is still unaudited fork.
Multisig is still held by 5 wallets funded from single source with only one dev ever active in discord.
DAO governance is still being ignored by dev.

I had a little hope that this mess will make him realize how far detached from reality he is. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. At least thanks to this wider audience can learn about his actions and hopefully be able to stop it.

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Been explained earlier.

Could have deployed to UST as well but we chose not to. All Lambda contracts are verified online and posted everywhere.

We prefer keeping heads down working. This proposal will benefit all SPA holders if implemented.

RFV hunters want to stop us from doing anything and force us into a full redemption. Why non-RFV hunters would say no to a curve gauge?

RFV hunters only want treasury and nothing else.

Now I can see how organized this group is. Well done.

Been explained earlier.

We could have deployed to farming with usdc or dai but didn’t. Why any other option than farming with lambda is being dismissed by you?

Holders don’t feel safe with having significant exposure to lambda. We told you that multiple times. If you worked with community for last months instead of completely ignoring all of us I’m sure everyone would be happy to farm lambda.

Look at this from holder perspective.
For months we asked for yield farming on curve with stables and didn’t get that. Price was going down and down. Everyone expected this will end up like in April. You buy for cheap just before announcing redemption. Then price started to pump bcs more people noticed how deep under value this token is and now you can’t buy for cheap. To everyone’s surprise now yield farming on curve became an option but only with lambda. Kinda fishy, innit?

I’m sorry but now there is no trust. We are afraid that you will use lambda to siphon whole treasury away and blame outside bad actor for that.
Spartacabra already has bad debt and nothing stops it from “accidentally” getting more of it later on.

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Instead of blaming everything on some imaginary conspiracy try addressing issues brought up by community.

When real multisig with community members and prominent crypto figures? Something that was promised last year…

When following governance votes?

How about a response to on chain data showing how you redeemed over 4m$ for yourself after buying weeks and days before redemption?