INV and T whitelisting for direct liquidity mining incentives


Whitelist INV and T for direct liquidity mining incentives.


Inverse Finance and Threshold are incentivizing liquidity provision across various pools, including DOLA/crvUSD and TricryptoINV for Inverse and ETH/T, arbi-WBTC/tBTC, op-WBTC/tBTC, crvUSD + tBTC + wstETH, thUSD + 3CRV and thUSD + crvUSD for Threshold through veCRV voting incentives. Recently, the effectiveness of these voting incentives has turned net negative in free markets due to the correlation between the volume of incentives and the dilutive effect of available votes.


In order to maintain a neutral to positive efficiency of vote incentives, Inverse Finance and Threshold would like to whitelist the INV and T tokens for direct liquidity mining towards these pools.The INV and T distribution will be managed by the Quest board address from Paladin, which must be whitelisted to facilitate the distribution.


Token ticker: INV
Token contract address: 0x41d5d79431a913c4ae7d69a668ecdfe5ff9dfb68

Token ticker: T
Token contract address: 0xcdf7028ceab81fa0c6971208e83fa7872994bee5

Quest board address : 0xF13e938d7a1214ae438761941BC0C651405e68A4

Target pools:

  • DOLA/crvUSD : 0x8272e1a3dbef607c04aa6e5bd3a1a134c8ac063b
  • TricryptoINV : 0x5426178799ee0a0181a89b4f57efddfab49941ec
  • crvUSD + tBTC + wstETH : 0x2889302a794da87fbf1d6db415c1492194663d13

Target gauges:

  • DOLA/crvUSD : 0xecad6745058377744c09747b2715c0170b5699e5
  • TricryptoINV : 0x4fc86cd0f9b650280fa783e3116258e0e0496a2c
  • crvUSD + tBTC + wstETH : 0x60d3d7ebbc44dc810a743703184f062d00e6db7e

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