[Grant Application] CGA#25 - Dexguru


Dexguru brings together permissionless, real-time data on every DEX market, on-chain research, powerful analytics, and trade execution capabilities — all in one fully integrated UI.

Summary of Grant Applicant:

Nick Sawinyh
twitter https://twitter.com/defiprime
GitHub sneg55 (Nick Sawinyh) · GitHub

Nick founded defiprime.com in 2019, a media outlet and analytical services provider for the DeFi community. He is a long time crypto entrepreneur with a specialization in growth focused product management. He founded dex.guru in September 2020.

Project Details:

Dexguru offers unparalleled coverage of on-chain markets integrated into one place and delivered in real-time. They want to add Curve markets. This will enable real time statistics for trading activity and liquidity, allow users to compare Curve with other AMM dexes, and essentially be a permissionless TradingView with onchain analytics for every ERC20 listed on Curve.

The grant will allow the team (3 core team + 3 contractors) to ship feature with Curve data connector. This will help the team avoid the need for product monetization until they raise a seed round.

Post-Grant Plans:

Team will continue maintaining Dexguru.

Requested Grant Size:


Relevant Links:

Dexguru site: https://dex.guru
Upcoming version screenshots: Dropbox - dexguruv2 - Simplify your life

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