Distribute 304k OP from DAO vault on Optimism to tricrypto pools over 90 days


Distribute 304k OP from DAO vault on Optimism to tricrypto pools over 90 days. Also claim 60k OP to DAO vault on Optimism for a recent grant approved by Optimism (this is 40% of an overall 150k OP grant).


See the previous proposal to distribute OP to these pools. The incentives have expired and this vote is to continue incentives.


Bootstrap Curve Lending on Optimism


Streamers are already set up to distribute to target gauges. Only modification is to increase the reward duration to 90 days. See additionally a call to claim 60k OP to the DAO vault on Optimism. Following actions are broadcasted over the x-gov relayer.

OP_TOKEN = "0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042"
STREAMER = "0x1C8f3D9Fc486e07e3c06e91a18825a344CeeFc54"
AGENT_PROXY = "0x28c4A1Fa47EEE9226F8dE7D6AF0a41C62Ca98267"
AMOUNT_TO_STREAM = 304828805439120005699539

GAUGES = ["0x3050a62335948e008c6241b3ef9a81a8c0613b76", "0xb280fab4817c54796f9e6147aa1ad0198cfefb41"]  # up to 8 gauges

    ("0x8e1e5001C7B8920196c7E3EdF2BCf47B2B6153ff", "broadcast", [ # claim OP
        (OP_TOKEN, encode("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)", "0x19793c7824Be70ec58BB673CA42D2779d12581BE", "0xd166eedf272b860e991d331b71041799379185d5", 60000000000000000000000)),
    ("0x8e1e5001C7B8920196c7E3EdF2BCf47B2B6153ff", "broadcast", [ # setup streamer
        ("0xD166EEdf272B860E991d331B71041799379185D5", encode("transfer(address,address,uint256)", OP_TOKEN, AGENT_PROXY, AMOUNT_TO_STREAM)), # transfer from vault to proxy
        (OP_TOKEN, encode("approve(address,uint256)", STREAMER, AMOUNT_TO_STREAM)),  # allow the gauge streamer to transferFrom proxy
        (STREAMER, encode("set_reward_duration(uint256)", 7776000)),
        (STREAMER, encode("notify_reward_amount(uint256)", AMOUNT_TO_STREAM)),


DAO vote 761 here