The renBTC/wBTC pair has grown more stable. This change would slowly increase A from 100 to 125. An A of 125 will result in increased BTC liquidity as long as the pair stays within a ±0.8% band.
Ramp A from 100 to 125 over 2 days for the renBTC pool.
The renBTC/wBTC pair has been more stable. There are now more ways to mint wBTC and there are more arbitrageurs keeping this peg stable.
Raising the A value will offer more BTC liquidity in the capture range. The capture range will be decreased from ±1% to ±0.8%. I think that there is a high likelihood that renBTC/wBTC will stay within this smaller range.
Set future_A to 125
Set future_time to the unix timestamp 9 days after proposal creation.
Increased renBTC/wBTC liquidity. The pair will stay in the new range.
The renBTC/wBTC pair is still unstable and there is a chance for the pair to trade outside of the new capture range for an extended period.