This is CIP merging two previously discussed proposals:
CIP - Ramp 3Pool A Parameter to 600
Decrease USDN pool A parameter to 50
More information regarding the Amplification Parameter can be found on the Curve white paper:
USDN: Due to instability in the USDN peg, this is a proposal to lower the amplification coefficient for a wider capture range. The capture range will be widened to ±1.43%.
3Pool: DAI has become less volatile and is finally trading close or on peg with TriPool being very close to balanced (currently 31.7%/36.8%/31.4%).
One of the reason for DAI keeping closer to peg is the introduction of the PSM
stETH has also been generally more stable than expected mainly due to the large size of the pool and its strong rewards
Set future_A for the USDN pool to 50.
Ramp over 7 days. (Unix timestamp for 14 days after proposal creation)
Set future_A for the 3Pool pool to 600.
Ramp over 7 days. (Unix timestamp for 14 days after proposal creation)
Set future_A for the stETH pool to 10.
Ramp over 7 days. (Unix timestamp for 14 days after proposal creation)