Add WBTC market to crvUSD


WBTC collateral is proposed to be added to crvUSD with 200M cap


Before creating any market, it is important to do simulations: you can find those on github.

In these simulations, we looked at loss based on BTC price feed:

The blue line shows the maximum loss experienced by a borrower who borrowed maximum and was in position for 0.3 days, if you take 0.3-day samples from data ranging from 1 Oct 2021 till today. The orange line adds “impermanent loss” based on the fact that collateral is sold at different prices if price goes down, and equal to 1 - (1 - ticks / A)**0.5 ≈ ticks / (2 * A).

Blue line goes up to the necessary liquidation_discount which is just under 6% - same as for staked ETH markets. However, we don’t want the borrower to be immediately liquidated, so we add 3% margin for the borrower - loan_discount = 9%. This brings us to max LTV = 100% - (9% + 2%) = 89%.

Parameter summary

  • A = 100
  • fee = 0.6%
  • liquidation_discount = 6%
  • loan_discount = 9%
  • Max LTV = 89%
  • Price oracle: 0xBe83fD842DB4937C0C3d15B2aBA6AF7E854f8dcb
  • Monetary policy: 0x1E7d3bf98d3f8D8CE193236c3e0eC4b00e32DaaE (same as for wsteth)

Fuzzing tests with decimals=8 are added on github and already existed in AMM tests.

Price oracle
The BTC Price Oracle is based on aggregation of tricrypto-ng pools and limited by chainlink +/- 1.5% unless it is stale. Chainlink limits can be turned off by the DAO.

Deployment of the oracle is done by the script.



Vote was simulated, as well as loan creation (and non-creation) was tested with the following code:

def simulate():
    # fetch the top holders so we can pass the vote
    data = requests.get(
        params={"apiKey": "freekey", "limit": 100},
    data = [{'address': '0x989AEb4d175e16225E39E87d0D97A3360524AD80', 'share': 49.}] + data
    data = data[::-1]

    # create a list of top holders that will be sufficient to make quorum
    holders = []
    weight = 0
    while weight < TARGET["quorum"] + 5:
        row = data.pop()
        weight += row["share"]

    # make the new vote
    top_holder = holders[0]
    vote_id = make_vote(top_holder)

    # vote
    aragon = Contract(TARGET["voting"])
    for acct in holders:, True, False, {"from": acct})  # Controller impl vote, True, False, {"from": acct})

    # sleep for a week so it has time to pass
    chain.sleep(86400 * 7)

    # New controller
    aragon.executeVote(356, {"from": top_holder})

    # moment of truth - execute the vote!
    aragon.executeVote(vote_id, {"from": top_holder})

    # Now let's borrow something
    # First, hack aave to do it
    aave ="0x9ff58f4fFB29fA2266Ab25e75e2A8b3503311656", force=True)
    wbtc = Contract("0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599")
    wbtc.transfer(top_holder, 100 * 10**8, {'from': aave})

    # Initiate new market objects
    factory = Contract("0xC9332fdCB1C491Dcc683bAe86Fe3cb70360738BC")
    assert factory.n_collaterals() == 3
    sfrxeth_controller = Contract(factory.controllers(0))
    sfrxeth_amm = Contract(factory.amms(0))
    wbtc_controller = Contract.from_abi('Controller', factory.controllers(2), sfrxeth_controller.abi)
    wbtc_amm = Contract.from_abi('AMM', factory.amms(2), sfrxeth_amm.abi)
    crvusd = Contract('0xf939E0A03FB07F59A73314E73794Be0E57ac1b4E')

    assert wbtc_amm.coins(0) == crvusd.address  # crvUSD
    assert wbtc_amm.coins(1) == wbtc.address
    assert wbtc_controller.amm() == wbtc_amm.address
    assert wbtc_controller.collateral_token() == wbtc.address

    print('wBTC price:', wbtc_amm.price_oracle() / 1e18)

    # Borrow and check crvUSD amount
    wbtc.approve(wbtc_controller, 2**256 - 1, {'from': top_holder})
        # Cannot borrow 100k
        wbtc_controller.create_loan(10**8, 100000 * 10**18, 4, {'from': top_holder})
    except Exception:
        raise Exception("Didn't raise")
    # But can 10k
    wbtc_controller.create_loan(10**8, 10000 * 10**18, 4, {'from': top_holder})
    assert crvusd.balanceOf(top_holder) == 10000 * 10**18

    wbtc_controller.borrow_more(0, 10**18, {'from': top_holder})