Add SQUID/wfrxETH on Fraxtal to Curve gauge controller

OK, we have something for the gov forum:

Add SQUID/wfrxETH on Fraxtal to Curve gauge controller


Leviathan News is a collective of builders, investors, and crypto natives with an ear to the latest news, headlines and occasional alfa. The Leviathan team run a popular TG channel with over 6k subs that publishes the latest and freshest headlines for crypto sourced entirely from the community. The team also hosts daily livestreams broadcast on 𝕏 and YouTube.

SQUID is a reward token distributed to everyone who makes Leviathan News operate. The Leviathan team operates a Telegram bot, through which anybody can submit headlines. Once approved, SQUID points are assigned, and tokens are distributed proportionally based on activity. For March of 2024, the team has 124 active contributors to the news feed.


Leviathan Points are distributed on a schedule of 1MM per month. The breakdown each month for the first year is set at:

  • 45% for contributions to the operation of the Telegram bot headlines
  • 45% for contributions to the livestream and videos
  • 10% for other operations

For the first category, transparency on each month’s distributions is available by running the bot’s points command in direct DM or any channel where the bot is active.

At present, all operations are managed by a 2/4 multisig consisting of the four Leviathan contributors over the course of the past year. The responsibility is intended to be migrated to more decentralized mechanics as the community scales

More details are available in the release notes:


The team is committed to bringing its news operations entirely onchain, built atop the flywheel tech stack. The team launched intentionally on Fraxtal, where governance approved a gauge. The team plan to continue bringing liquidity to the SQUID/wfrxETH pair to benefit the growth of our ecosystem. The project has viable monetization plans for its Telegram bot and livestreams, although the team has not announced utility for the token.


For: Add the SQUID/wfrxETH pool to the Curve gauge controller

Against: Do nothing.



Let’s go SQUID.
Ok, for gauge on Fraxtal.

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Follow-up! This pool has been very successful for Leviathan and the team are following up with another gauge vote for a gauge for the Fraxtal Llama Lend crvUSD market!

The rationale is multifold. One big reason is the team are building a variant of the Llama auctions and want to increase routing on Fraxtal to facilitate trades between crvUSD and SQUID for bidding. Additionally, users have requested more liquidity on the supply side for the lend markets. Look forward to fielding any questions here!

Vote links: