Deploy a Curve L2 in order to Mint crvUSD (similar than Fraxtal)


Launch a Curve L2 in order to Mint crvUSD rather than Ethereum.
Frax has already launched an app chain Fraxtal, using fraxtal ETH as gas frxETH
Ideally Curve Chain should use crvUSD as gas token (such as xDAI for Gnosis)

Actually crvUSD is only minted on ETH mainet, which could be expensive for users.
Retails are using Llama lend only on Arbitrum.
Ethereum main net is quite expensive and Curve could miss some opportunity of yield.


-1 more fees for Curve Governance (Sequencer fees) + possible staked ETH yield if ETH gas or more utility to crvUSD
2 less fees paid by users on ETH mainet
3 possible launch of ETH LSD from Curve on this chain crvETH
4connections with other L2 if using a native connected chain


Use Arbitrum, Optimism or Polygon zkEVM stack (OP and Polygon could have a native bridge to all similar L2 stacks)
Use an advanced bridge in order to move from Curvechain to other L2 (e.g. CCIP Chainlink, Layer Zero, Cosmos IBC)
(zk EVM seems using IBC tech from Cosmos SDK)


More fees, business expansion, sovereign dapp


Curve is only a smartcontract level but not infrastructure
Post a link to your proposal if it’s already been created

  • Yes Curvechain
  • No Curvechain

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dear @michwill
what do you think??

Basically, I don’t know what Curve team has negociated with DeFi

But they are minting $MONEY on L2 Arbitrum and Optimisn
Then they bridge $MONEY form ARB to OP and reverse…

Curve could do the same on his own L2 then bridge everywhere…

1:crvchain no gas fee(by lock crv)
2:If a hacker steals money, the transfer of the chain can be shut down immediately

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